Mohammad Javad Mohsenzadeh1
At the beginning of the third millennium and the development of modern information and communication technologies، with the presence and extent of media in the public sphere and all aspects of life، space and provide a framework by which education, culture, politics, society and man, revolves around communication، media and flows in the context of cyberspace.
Era of information، media and narratives have been called and modern communication technologies are widely available and have been used by the general public. One of the functions of media، education، is promoting religious messages. Media Platform can move the focal point for people to religion، Islamic awakening and functions of religious, political, advertising, training, education, military campaigns and the Muslim Ummah.
This article aims to raise questions, and answer questions, check the status and role of media and new media platforms in the promotion and dissemination of religious culture and religion in public, especially the youth have taken place.
Wilbur Schramm's theory of the role of mass media, communication theory and diffusion of innovation Rogers، advertising as well as Michel Foucault's discourse power of social roles Harold Lasswell and Charles Wright and the role of communication is graphical. Modern, cyberspace and media attention in the direction of the target population, especially young people take, can lead to encourage, promote and satisfy the audience and advertising purposes, provided your information and education and work and have many blessings.
Keywords: Religion, Media, Mass Media, Cyberspace
- Master of Science in Social Communication, PhD student in the field of culture and communication - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.